Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Back Again: And back with a vengeance, righties and fundies!

Seeing the opinion polls show the ALP up and Rudd as the preferred PM for the past few months has made me feel pretty good. Good for starters because it goes against the fear I had this time last year that most people had shifted towards a right-wing conservative way of thinking. There was a great fear within me that Australians in general were apathetic when it came to problems with the environment or social justice. That the only thing that concerned most people was their financial situation or how much they could screw their employees.

This isn't necessarily the case. Although at one time, after seeing Howard unfairly and unjustly win election after election (I say unjustly not because he rigged it or that he forced people to undemocratically vote for him, but because of his ruthless last ditch efforts to evoke nationalism within people and get them to vote for him through guilt and national pride), after seeing him retain office time after time after time, I gave up hope for this country.

I still have little hope, because at the moment the argument at the forefront of the election campaign by both parties is who is the better manager of the economy.

The answer to that question is irrellevent. The question that should be posed should be about who will manage the natural environment better. Who will be the party to finally sign the Kyoto Protocol and stop mining uranium for exportation or for use in nuclear reactors.

I believe that these are not at the forefront because most Australians do not really see these as important. However, they actually are. They are an investment in the future, not a financial one, but one to preserve our very lifestyle and even our lives.

The election is on this Saturday: For those of you who used to read 'Super Simmo' that blog closed down about two months ago. The reason for that will be released later on, however I won't get into it today. I can just say that at this present time, I need to get my voice back out there. There are far too many people who want to retain a Coalition government run by Howard. This is a bad choice for all concerned. For families, for education, for children, for the environment.

I only hope that come Saturday, Howard is voted out and the ALP is restored to government after 11 years.


Arthur_Vandelay said...

It really is good to have you back, but you do realise I'm going to have to update my blogroll again . . .

Simmo said...

sorry about that, mate. As we have seen, however, certain circumstances block us from our blogs running smoothly.

It's good to be back though!